The 25th Anniversary Celebration and the annual Graduation Ceremony
The 25th Anniversary Celebration and the annual Graduation Ceremony

The Future Academy celebrated The 25th Anniversary and the Annual Graduation Ceremony, under the sponsorship of Dr. Sameh Fouad Habib the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Future Society, Mr. Seif Sameh Fouad Habib the Chairman of Board of Directors of the Future Academy and Dr. Mohamed Salah El Din the Dean of the academy.

The Celebration was honored by the attendance of a delegation of previous ministers and a delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education, members of the Board of Directors of the Academy, members of the teaching staff and the parents of the graduates.

The day started by taking group pictures of the graduates with the the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the dean, the deputies and members of the teaching staff after which the party started by the academic celebration whose sections varied starting by the national anthem, the queue, and the speech of the platform.

The Academy was honored by Certiport International Company as the best academic partner.

The graduation ceremonies were completed by the Academy honoring the outstanding graduates then delivering them the shield of the Academy and then handing over appreciation certificates to all graduates attending the party,
The celebration was completed by the art section which was presented by the Star Mahmoud El Essiely.

The Academy wishes constant success and prosperity to all its graduates.  

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